
Construction, Development, Renovation & Management

Since 1993, Go On Holdings Ltd. Has been building custom built homes for clients. The construction cost of there homes range from two hundred thousands and up to multi-millions.
Before construction, our construction teams meets with the client to discuss and analysis the critical issue of the project. We will privde professional input during preliminary design stage. When the client and architect have completed the drawings , we will workout a detailed budget break down and programme for client review.
During Construction, In order to serve clients effectively, our the project teams will remains in close contact with client, architect, design, and engineer. To ensure accountability, we produce a monthly report on all costs, reconciling each with the original budgeted amount.


The Company places up-most importance in developing a close relation with clients. The Company takes times to schedule site meeting and pre-construction meetings prior to home construction. These meetings would ensure that clients’ needs and wants are understood and met.
Commencing in the year 1998, The Company has been employing the digital camera technology to record all the construction stages from the beginning to the end in detail for its project. The Company would present this information in digital album format to clients. These CD would provide invaluable information to clients in forthcoming upgrade or maintenance to the home.


Renovation projects can be a daunting task to many renovators.
However behind Go On Holdings Ltd., the principal shareholder of the company, Danny Chu, has accumulated over 35 years of experience in commercial and residential renovation.
The Company can pass on many innovative and practical ideas and service to clients.
We are not regular home builder, we don't just built and sell. We remain a close relationship with our clients. We often assist our clients and answer questions about running & maintaining the property. We would always provide our clients with the best service without any delay.